Hopefully you have been able to follow our progress over the past year and if not, take a few minutes to look through the pictures and re-live the process. I would like to say a special thank you to those who have given financially. Yabus has already changed as EVERY day people bring their produce to market, children go to school, and the clinic sees patients from both sides of the river because of this bridge. Thank you.
-Eli Fader

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The GAP!

I found out today that we did not get enough chain link fence. I thought I ordered 170 meters, plenty to cover the 74 meter span, but I guess I was wrong. I went to a neighboring organization, GOAL, to see if I could borrow some but they didn't have any. I am not sure what I am going to do. The roads have almost completely closed to the northern towns so I might be able to get an order in real quick.

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