Hopefully you have been able to follow our progress over the past year and if not, take a few minutes to look through the pictures and re-live the process. I would like to say a special thank you to those who have given financially. Yabus has already changed as EVERY day people bring their produce to market, children go to school, and the clinic sees patients from both sides of the river because of this bridge. Thank you.
-Eli Fader

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Meet Zakki Titus

Zakki Titus shoveling sand from a dry river bed

Zakki is a joy to work with. I have gotten to know him through many construction jobs we have done together, teaching him in classes, and playing football (soccer) after work. Zakki is one of our adult primary school students. SIM is involved in taking young adults who did not have a chance to get an education because of the war and bringing them to an 8th grade level in 4 years. It is called, appropriately, Accelerated Learning Program. Zakki is now in 5th grade. The school term is finished so he came to work on the bridge. His hard work, sharp eye, and encouragement to others has been a blessing for me. Zakki hopes to one day be a doctor.

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